Clinical Characteristics of Gastric Bezoars |
단일 센터에서 경험한 위 위석의 임상 특성 |
이상진ㆍ천갑진ㆍ오웅식ㆍ윤정호ㆍ박종규ㆍ한군희ㆍ김영돈ㆍ정우진ㆍ권성춘* |
울산대학교 의과대학 강릉아산병원 소화기내과학교실, 관동대학교 의과대학 생리학교실* |
Abstract |
Background/Aims The purpose of this study was to review cases of gastric bezoars and evaluate the role of endoscopic removal of gastric bezoars. Methods: Between January 2000 and December 2009, the medical records of patients with gastric bezoars were reviewed retrospectively. Results: A total of 23 patients were enrolled. The median age was 64 (40∼85) years, with 13 female and 10 male. Fourteen patients (60.7%) had epigastric pain and 12 patients (52%) had concurrent ulcer. Three patients had concurrent bezoars in ileum. Migration of gastric bezoars was observed in three patients (13%). Fifteen patients (65.2%) were treated by endoscopic removal, 6 patients (26%) by surgical intervention and 2 patients by spontaneous passage. Fifty percent (5/10) patients were treated by endoscopic removal in the first half of the study period, but 77% (10/13) patients were treated by endoscopic removal in the second half. Age, gender, symptom duration, combined ulcer, size and number of bezoars were not significantly different between surgical and endoscopic group. Only duration of hospital stay was significantly different. Conclusions: Gastric bezoars are marked by epigastric pain, combined ulcer, concurrent small bowel bezoars and migration into small bowel. These may be taken into consideration when endoscopic removal is plamed. (The Korean Journal of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2010;10:49-54) |
Key Words:
Bezoars, Stomach, Gastroscopy, Surgery |