Proposals for the Evolution of the Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research |
학회 발전을 위한 제언 |
신운건ㆍ전성우*ㆍ정대영†ㆍ김정욱‡ㆍ이준행§ㆍ성인경∥ㆍ김현수¶ㆍ김진일†ㆍ설상영# |
한림대학교, 경북대학교*, 가톨릭대학교†, 중앙대학교‡, 성균관대학교§, 건국대학교∥, 전남대학교¶, 인제대학교# 의과대학 내과학교실 |
Abstract |
Since Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research was founded in 2001, the goal of the college has been in the field of basic and translational researches associated with Helicobacter and upper gastrointestinal diseases. After a decade of time, we are now confront with the needs not only from research area but also from primary clinical practice and educational activities. To meet the expanded needs to our college, we've continued the effort to develop various programs for memberships, physicians, and medical students. And also we've maintained the support system for researchers and advanced the editing committee of official journal. In this review, we discussed the issues brought in internal seminar of our college in March 2009. (The Korean Journal of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research 2009;9:57-60) |
Key Words:
Helicobacter, Academy society, Proposal |